Wednesday, August 14, 2019

My first Chicken Dinner and other PUBG sights

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Frostpunk Winterhome

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

frostpunk continued

finished the third scenario. did I mention how much I love this game? it's great.

Monday, July 22, 2019

more Frostpunk

more Frostpunk So fantastic. Just played through the second scenario...

Sunday, July 21, 2019


This game is just beautiful and is fast becoming my favorite game of all time. The music, the graphics, the streamlined UI to the tech progression and difficult ethical choices one is faced with, it's all well-crafted, aesthetic, thoughtful and poignant. 

Their is also a strong narrative arc and sense of world this game creates. It is truly a wonderful experience, visually, intellectually and emotionally.

the Art of Gamez

This blog used to be a place for me to document my life
in New York City through photography. Nowadays, I use
Insta and FB for that, if at all.

I just don't explore NYC as much as I used to and find
the most beautiful places in video games.

So, I'm re-purposing this blog to be about game art and
short reviews.